Message API
Message API
Resources to communicate with your customers via social channel(s). These will help you send messages to your customers where they are.
Message API helps you to
Send a message to a user
Send message to customer on a specific channel
Retrieve the details of a message
Retrieve message details
Check message history
Retrieve message delivery history
Delete a message (from the database)
Deletion is only from Zoko database and will not affect the actual message(s) at the customer’s client application.
Host & Path
Content Type
- POST requests require a “Content-Type: application/json” header
- PUT requests require a “Content-Type: application/json” header
- GET requests will return “Content-Type: application/json”
Response Codes
Message API uses the following standard response codes.
GET requests
- 200 - Ok
POST requests
- 201 - Created
- 202 - Accepted
- 400 - Bad Request (the request data has issues)
- 409 - Conflict
DELETE requests
- 204 - No Content